
Bret Whissel profile pic This is an all-purpose blog, but its main intent is to inform users of my Amortization Calculator about modifications and improvements. But being who I am, I’ll occasionally have some other things to say.

If you ever feel like commenting, feel free to sign up and join in. I like intelligent conversation (an increasingly rare commodity, I fear), and I even enjoy differences of opinion, as long as we can talk about these differences without our panties getting in a twist.

So whether you’re participating or merely lurking, welcome.

The awesome header photo of the Twelve Apostles off the coast of Australia was sent to me as part of a presentation on nature photography from the Smithsonian. (See the site at www.naturesbestphotography.com.) After doing a little digging, I believe the photographer may be Benjamin Walls, but I have no confirmation. The WordPress theme is Blue-Box, designed by Bob (see the links in the right-hand column under “Meta”).

Bret Whissel

2 Replies to “About”

  1. Thanks for calculator!
    You sound like a very interesting person. Will try to join in later, short of time now.Don’t know much about blogging or chat stuff. Guess I have to learn.

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