When I worked for the FSU Meteorology department, I wrote a program to produce blank Skew-T/ln p graph paper so that meteorology students could practice plotting soundings. The chart curves are math-intensive, like much of meteorology.

Below are links to program output in PDF format. Low-density versions have isotherm and dry adiabats drawn every 2 degrees, while the high-density versions have 1-degree separations. The 10mb Isobar charts draw isobars every 10mb.

Low Density skewt-loc.pdf skewt-lob.pdf
High Density skewt-hic.pdf skewt-hib.pdf
10mb Isobars skewt-10c.pdf skewt-10b.pdf

I have also posted the program that I wrote to create the blank diagrams so that you can see what the equations are like. (Some curves may have alternative versions of the equations in the literature, and you may want to know which I've chosen.) The documentation link below is a heavily annotated, nicely formatted version of the program for easy reading. The source code link allows you to download the code yourself.

The program is written in the Literate Programming style developed by computer scientist extraordinaire Donald Knuth, author of TeX and the foundational textbook series The Art of Computer Programming. (See the journal article by Knuth for an overview of literate programming, and the Literate Programming Website for additional information.)

In order to compile the program, you will need the ctangle utility to extract the C source from the CWEB file. You can download the CWEB Source Code, which is the package I use to write and document most of the software I develop. I also made use of the FitCurves routine written by Philip Schneider which appeared in the book Graphics Gems. This routine and the Graphics Gems 2D and 3D Vector C library GGVecLib will also need to be compiled and linked with the program.

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